Hotfield was one of those hidden gems in the App Store that warranted being played by shmup fans. The controls, while not spot on, were serviceable, and there were 3 control options in all so whatever the gamers preference one of the control options would likely met that preference. There was a touch option while holding in portrait mode, a virtual joystick mode while in landscape, and a swipe mode in landscape as well. None were perfect, mind you, but with a few updates the dev couldve gotten the controls to be better. It was a solid 3 star game, IMHO...and couldve, with the proper updates, gone right up to 4 star.
I waited in anticipation for the proposed update which would include a tilt control option. The dev responded, and while the tilt control option is quite good and very smooth, the fact is that the dev REMOVED the other options save for the virtual joystick method. Well, not totally. See, the options for touch control and swipe are still there, but they cant be used.
Go to the swipe method in landscape (the second option when playing in landscape mode), and you cannot control your craft at all. The option for the control method is there, but you cant control anything.
Go to the touch control in portrait, and you can control...provided you keep your finger onscreen at all times, as failure to do so will engage tilt control. This becomes an issue when you double tap to unleash bombs, as that moment you take your finger off will engage tilt and undoubtedly you will be sent careening in whatever direction your device is tilting towards. Now, the touch method in portrait was my control method of choice. Now? Unusable.
In summary, the dev added the option of tilt control but foolishly messed up or removed the other control methods. In addition, the game randomly slows down to a crawl now periodically, even after a hard reboot of the device, which never happened before the update. Memory leaks introduced to the game with the update? Probably. Back to the drawing board, dev. This update is anything but an improvement. A 3 star game is now 2 stars. Update this update with fixes, and maybe itll be the 4 star game it could be.
theREALspiffyone about HotField (Bullets time shooting game)